Cycle Somerset
powered by TidyHQOur monthly meeting will discuss 2021 membership, current website, options for the club trailer, Covid restrictions
Meeting ID: 716 5697 4839 Passcode: 4ikqZP
reserve meeting if needed:
Meeting ID: 729 5836 7951 Passcode: 1bzqfR
Graham Farrington
GF |
Phillipa Archer
PA | |
Martin ATTON
MA | |
IB | |
David COX
DC | |
Paul Harper
Chair | PH |
Arthur Hulls
Events Manager | AH |
Tim Seddon
TS | |
Jonathan Sladden
Ride leader | JS |
Richard Sykes
RS |
Anthony Halstead
AH | |
Deborah Lewis
DL | |
Sarah-Jane Longbottom
SJL | |
Joanne O'HAGAN
JOH | |
Kenneth Parsons
KP | |
Charles SMYTHE
CS |
1 | Membership 2021, club disclaimer, BACS and 'receipts' | For Discussion | |
2 | current website - complexity, cost | For Discussion | |
3 | Club 10 bike trailer | For Discussion | |
4 | Covid restrictions and going forward | For Discussion | |
5 | Core ride leaders group | For Discussion | |
6 | Updating ride leader list/ informing Cycling UK | For Action | |
7 | topic discussions on zoom e.g. GPX, map reading | For Discussion |