Cycle Somerset
powered by TidyHQEtiquette on club Rides
Etiquette on club Rides
Joining a group ride is a great way to make some new friends and find the best cycle routes, bike shops and cafes in your area. With like-minded souls you can enhance your cycling and maybe lead to further adventures in the great outdoors!
The club rides are posted on our website and members sign up for those they wish to join. Non members can contact us for a free ride before deciding if you wish to join our club. Each ride has an experienced Ride Leader, with a planned route and coffee stop.
Etiquette on Club Rides
“We never leave anyone behind”
Stay together as a group and be alert to what others around you are doing
Try not to wander off the pace – in front or behind
Stay in front of the back marker
If ahead of the ride leader, check for direction of travel at the next junction
The ride should wait for the group to reform at the top of hills or at major junctions – wait off the road and away from junctions
When changing direction, make sure the rider behind has seen where to go – signal or wait for them
Pass messages up and down the line to warn of potholes, gravel, pedestrians, animals, traffic, etc.
Ride two abreast where safe to do so
On narrow lanes pull over for other road users in front or behind
Keep a steady pace and warn others if slowing or stopping
Carry your own spare tube, pump and tyre levers
Follow the highway code and country code and be courteous to other road users. See 2022 Highway Code Amendments here https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-highway-code-8-changes-you-need-to-know-from-29-january-2022
Show courtesy to other road users
Riders are recommended to have I.C.E (Emergency contacts) on mobile phones. This video demonstrates how to add emergency contacts on Android and Apple phones (if your phone does not match the exact instructions then you may have to search for the method specific to your phone)
What should I bring on a group ride?
Any appropriate bike in good working order. If in doubt, have it checked over by a local bike shop or qualified mechanic.
Carry at least a spare inner tube, Pump and tyre levers.
Dress for the weather and bring a spare layer.
Bring a drink and energy bar plus a picnic or cash for lunch if out all day
Carry a mobile phone with I.C.E. Emergency contact details
- Good lights if any chance of riding in the dark or poor visibility
PUBLISHED FEBRUARY 2022; Reviewed January 2023
Next Review due: JANUARY 2024