MEMBERSHIP + Using website

How to join Cycle Somerset

If you wish to join a ride (non-members or members’ guests can join a maximum of 2 rides- please contact the ride leader before booking to see if there are spaces available

Please read the membership information and then complete Membership application OR email membership secretary

Insurance recommendation

CYCLE SOMERSET STRONGLY ADVISES MEMBERS TO HAVE LEGAL COVER via membership of Cycling UK (Cycle Somerset affiliation number 8001867) or British Cycling . Both Cycling UK and British Cycling provide a) third party insurance cover.  This provides cover in the event that someone makes a claim against you for harm or damage that you may have caused.  b)Legal support and assistance, whether a claim is made against you or you wish to pursue a claim against someone else who you believe has caused an accident in which you are involved. c)Discounts on purchases from a range of cycling-related retailer

How to use the website + book an activity

1. Adding your details

'Connect' your email address (blue box top right of screen of computer),  Validate your email (check your inbox),  'login' (box top right of screen on pc). 
Please enter essential info especially your mobile phone + emergency contact name + emergency contact phone. Your address is helpful in the event of an emergency. 
This profile info is added by clicking on your initials (or photo if added) or clicking schedule. (Both are found top right of website front page) 
You are now a 'contact' of Cycle Somerset. At this stage you may not receive emails or event notifications.
After completing the membership application form and paying the membership fee of £10 you are sent details of events/ activities you might like to join 

2. Joining an event
Select an event and click on attend. Use +/- to change quantity from zero to one. Then click on checkout. This creates a free 'ticket' which is then emailed to you to 
confirm that you are registered for the activity – (a bit like internet shopping). 4.You will be asked for your mobile/ emergency contact and their phone.

3. Cancelling a ticket
If you are not able to attend, please contact the ride leader using the link on the event details.